2025 Applications for community funding are now available!
Deadline to apply: February 28th, 2025
Cranberry Festival Community Funding is available to not-for-profit associations centered in or benefiting those of the Muskoka Lakes Township. Preference is given to those groups that have youth and/or community values at their core. Groups must be non-religious and apolitical. Preference is given to those groups with proven participation or involvement in the Bala Cranberry Festival.
Monies will be awarded based on need, community benefit, and the effectiveness of those funds on the scale of the proposed project or plan. All awards are given on an individual assessment and are at the sole unfettered discretion of the Bala Cranberry Festival Board.
We appreciate everything that other not-for-profit associations do for the community, however we will be restricted to how much funding we are able to award this year. Thank you for your understanding!
Please be advised that we receive many requests for support. The sheer number of requests that we receive forces us to make difficult choices between many deserving and worthwhile projects and with a limited budget, we are only able to support a few initiatives each year.