The Purpose of the Bala Cranberry Festival is to EXTEND the tourist season and to IMPROVE the quality of life in our community by providing financial assistance to organizations and individuals in need.

AGM & Board Terms

Board Member Elections are done every year by vote at our Annual General Meeting held yearly for 2-year terms. Nominations for positions on the board, as per the by-laws, are required to be submitted 21 days prior to the AGM.
The AGM date 2025 has not yet been set but will most likely take place in May 2025.
If you are interested in becoming a board member and attending, please fill out the form below.

Seeking Enthusiastic
Committee & Board members

Committee & Board members support the organization year round, to ensure a fantastic event occurs yearly. Each position has a different role, and an individual can be on both.

For Committees, the Festival is seeking individuals or teams to use their skill sets with: Sponsorship, Music, Artisans, Human Resources, Administration, and Community Engagement.

For the Board of Directors the Festival is seeking individuals to advise on administration, finances, and legal.

If you are interested in a committee or Board position, please fill in this form below:


2023 Board of Directors

Executive Officers

David Skoric
Heather Manuel
Midori Nishihama - Hodgson


Murray Johnston
Ruth Nishikawa
Sandra Ford

Board members meet approx. 6-10 times a year. They must be minimum 18 years old, and in good standing with the festival.


Event Coordinators

Alannah Oliver (Contract)
Danielle Sluyk

General Finance / Bookkeeper

Tania Cowley

Administrative Support

Joanie Wilson (Contract)